Friday, December 3, 2010

WikiLeaks to "Legalize the Constitution", per-say.

Most Republicans are calling for the prosecution of WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange after the WikiLeaks founder's latest string of leaked documents (which details pretty much every U.S. position on diplomatic relations with big name countries around the world). Mike Huckabee has even called for his trial and execution. But there is one major Republican name that is standing up for the rights of the WikiLeaks founder: Former presidential candidate and Texas congressional representative Ron Paul.

“In a free society we're supposed to know the truth,” Paul said. “In a society where truth becomes treason, then we're in big trouble. This whole notion that Assange, who's an Australian by the way, that we want to prosecute him for treason in our country. I mean, aren't they jumping to a wild conclusion?” he added. “This is media, isn't it? I mean, why don't we prosecute The New York Times or anybody that releases this?"

WikiLeaks and libertarian conservatives are strange bedfellows in this political climate. Ron Paul is a noted Constitutionalist and decorated fringe crazy person. His catch phrase, "Ron Paul Revolution: Legalize the Constitution" has been attributed to the beginning of the Tea Party movement. His support for WikiLeaks flies in the face of most mainstream opinion, which is pretty typical for most his positions.

Mr. Paul, WikiLeaks called, they said people already think they are crazy enough without your endorsement. I mean, what's next, Dennis Kucinich rallies support for Sarah Palin's Alaska? Strange Bedfellows these days indeed. 

1 comment:

  1. Definitely doing a visual rhetoric assignment on why to persecute right now...
