Monday, December 13, 2010

Airlines Making an Obscene Amount of Money on Fees

Airline fees aren't really the most popular thing airlines have come up with in the recent past. But these fees may be saving the airline industry as we know it. Airlines have raked in more than $2.5 billion so far this year on baggage fees alone which accounts for a little more than 10 percent of all airline profits, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

And fees will continue to climb as long as the market--meaning the average Joe--doesn't ask questions. People are paying it and people aren't revolting, and so the fees will stick around at least until people are willing to boycott flying--or do the unthinkable: fly Southwest.

The possibility that fees will decrease once the recession lessens in intensity is nice to think about, but when was the last time you felt like the airline industry really was looking out for your interests? I mean in order to fly right now you basically have to book a flight 4 months in advance, strip naked to get through security, through away any food/water you have (just like a movie theater), get on a overbooked plane, and forgo a meal in-flight because they don't serve them anymore. But hey, at least we have wi-fi and free drinks.

P.S. For those who want to fight the man, visit this site for a pair of these:

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