Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pete's Perspective: Twitter and why the Champions Don't Need it.

Kobe Bryant seems to be the last super-star NBA player not to give into the twitter fad. And can you blame him? The man is sitting atop a mountain peak that none of his other 'super-star' rivals are even close to, while all the other top players are worried about how many followers they have. Is it any coincidence that Kobe is also the biggest star in any sport with the most rings? I argue it is not, my friends.

Some people say it's a pride thing, that he is so good he doesn't have to talk up a storm. I say it's about focus and ignoring distractions.

When Bryant was relaxed in an informal viewing area and watched a World Cup match in Africa over the summer, he talked about his trip to Africa. He talked about a safari he has been on the first time he visited Africa. Reportedly, he excitedly described how the truck he was in had come upon a clan of hyenas that had identified its prey. What stood out for Bryant was how the hyenas were so focused on the task at hand that they didn’t even glance at the truck of spectators. That’s what impressed Bryant: the pack was locked in, singularly focused on that moment, on that prey. It was as if the truck did not exist.

That's the difference between a lot of these Tweeters and Kobe. Kobe is hungry for one thing: championships. It's as if Twitter, and the rest of the hype machine down in Miami doesn't exist. He just wants his next ring.


(Austin Peterson is an avid fan of anything sports. You can follow him on Twitter, just find him on our sidebar.)


  1. ""What does perfection look like to me? Championship rings."

    It's tough to not consider that a pretty bad a statement from the mamba himself.

    (this is camleish, btw)

  2. ...followers they have. It is any coincidence...

    makes more sense as

    ...followers they have. Is it any coincidence...
