Tuesday, December 7, 2010

BYU to be Metntioned on Psych? Quick, Someone Spin a Top, I Think I'm Dreaming.

Psych is possibly one of the best T.V. shows ever. It features Shawn Spencer as a hyper attentive detective pretending to be psychic, and his partner and his best friend Gus who basically does all the busy work. Together they solve murders, give an enormous amount of hilarious popular culture references, and soon they may be doing just about the coolest thing ever done on the T.V. show: giving a shout out to Brigham Young University.

The show's website has an interactive feature where users earn points based on the more activities they do within the site. The more points they earn, the more points they can attribute to their favorite college. Right now, fans and students of BYU are blowing away the competition with 1.48 million points — nearly triple the score of second-place Long Beach State — while the University of Utah lags behind in 30th place with 67,000 points. If this keeps up until December 22nd, then BYU will get a mention on a 'future episode of Psych'.

So you are telling me that there is a show about a fake psychic, obsessed with popular culture, who uses an iPhone, drives a motorcycle, plays X-Box, uses a Mac, dates his awesome co-star Juliet in real life, and who will give a shout out to BYU? The only way this show could get any more cool is if Hugh Laurie guest-starred.

1 comment:

  1. I watch Psych online . Its very interesting so entertain yourself with watchs all your favorite episodes of Psych online. Its very enjoyable show.
